
We welcome the public to our meetings!

All meetings of the council are open to the public.  We welcome residents where legally able and practically possible to do so. Full council meetings are usually held on the second Monday of each month, although this may be changed occasionally.

There is an opportunity at the beginning of each meeting for members of the public to raise issues which they feel ought to be brought to the attention of the Parish Council. This is not a question and answer session nor an opportunity for debate. These are the rules set down for Parish Councils to abide by. However, all questions raised about a specific item on the published agenda are noted and discussed in Council and replies are given later, by appropriate means. Any items raised by the public that are not listed on the published agenda, will be added to a future agenda for further discussion and response.

If you think it would be wise to inform the Council of an issue needing our attention at a Parish Council meeting then please contact the Clerk no later than a week before the published meeting date and this will be added to the agenda for discussion.

Agendas for meetings are displayed on our public noticeboards and on our website, a minimum of 3 days before the meeting is due to take place. Both agendas and meeting minutes are available to the public on request to the Parish Clerk or by clicking on the links below.

Minutes are taken at each meeting by the Parish Clerk and a draft is put on the website until approved at the following meeting.

Meetings usually start at 7.00pm and are usually held at the Kingston Library, Winchester Circle, Kingston, Milton Keynes, MK10 0BA (this location may change sometimes so make sure you check the agenda beforehand).
NB: Meeting days and times are currently different until a new Clerk is recruited so please do check the agendas.

Thursday 3rd October 2024Parish Council MeetingAgenda
Thursday 3rd October 2024Extraordinary Parish Council MeetingAgenda
Thursday 3rd October 2024Extraordinary Parish Council MeetingAgenda
Thursday 26th September 2024Parish Council MeetiAgenda

Minutes - DRAFT
Thursday 15th August 2024Parish Council Meeting Agenda

Thursday 18th July 2024Parish Council MeetingAgenda

Standing-Orders 18.07.24

Vexation-Policy 18.07.24

Code-of-Conduct 18.07.24

Communications Policy 18.07.24

City Councillors report JUL 24

Complaints-Procedure 18.07.24

Risk Register JUL 24
Tuesday 25th June 2024Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting<Agenda
25.06.24 XO

Thursday 13th June 2024
Parish Council Meeting<Agenda 13.06.24a href=""

Thursday 30th May 2024Parish Council Meeting
Kents Hill Community Centre
<Agenda 30.05.24a

Wednesday 8th May 2024Extraordinary Parish Meeting.
Monkston Community Centre.
7:30pm - 9:30pm

Draft Minutes
Monday 8th April 2024Parish Council Meeting.
Kingston Library.
7:30pm - 9:30pm

Monday 11th March 2024Parish Council Meeting.
Kingston Library.
7:30pm - 9:30pm

Signed Minutes
FC 195-23 Play Area Improvement - Proposed

FC 198-23 New Parish Laptop - Proposed

FC 200-23 Communication Policy - Proposed

Monday 12th February 2024Parish Council Meeting.
Kingston Library.
7:30pm - 9:30pm

Signed Minutes.
A couple of minor amendments were recorded in meeting dated 11th March 2024. See Minutes of that meeting for details.
FC 176-23 Fitness Classes - Paper

FC 177-23 Proposed Temporary Staff

FC 178-23 A Bin Contract Extension

FC 179-23 CCTV

FC 179-23 CCTV Paper

FC 180-23 MK Play Association

FC 182-23 Communication Policy - Proposed

Monday 5th February 2024HR Committee Meeting
Kingston Library
7:00pm - 9:00pm
Monday 15th January 2024Parish Council Meeting.
Re-Arranged date. Was due 8th Jan.

Papers relating to meeting for public to consider
are shown here on links to right.

Budget Paper

Item 165-23 Grit Bin

Item 160 - 23 Phone Contract Comparison Costs

Item 166 - 23 Printing Comparison Costs

Minutes - Signed
Thursday 11th January 2024HR Committee
Monkston Community Centre
6:30pm - 8:30pm
Monday 18th December 2023Parish Council Meeting Agenda

Minutes - Signed
Monday 11th December 2023Parish Council Meeting
Monday 4th December 2023Extraordinary Meeting Summons & Agenda

Signed Minutes
Monday 13th November 2023Parish Council MeetingAgenda

Signed Minutes
24th October 2023Extraordinary Meeting Agenda and Summons

Signed Minutes
9th October 2023Parish Council Meeting

Signed Minutes
11th September 2023Parish Council Meeting Agenda

Signed Minutes
15th August 2023Extraordinary Meeting Agenda

Unsigned Minutes
10th July 2023Parish Council Meeting Agenda

12th June 2023Parish Council MeetingAgenda

15th May 2023Chair's ReportChair's Report
15th May 2023AGM AGM Agenda

Signed Minutes
15th May 2023Parish Council Meeting Meeting Agenda

Signed Meeting Minutes
17th April 2023Parish Council MeetingMeeting Agenda

Signed Meeting Minutes
27th March 2023HR MeetingMeeting Agenda

Signed Meeting Minutes
13th MarchParish Council Meeting Meeting Agenda

Meeting Minutes
13th FebruaryParish Council Meeting `Meeting Agenda

Meeting Minutes

23rd January Extraordinary Meeting Meeting Agenda

Meeting Minutes
9th January Parish Council MeetingMeeting Agenda

Meeting Minutes
12th DecemberParish Council Meeting Meeting Agenda

Meeting Minutes
22nd November Extraordinary Meeting Meeting Agenda

Meeting Minutes
18th November HR MeetingMeeting Agenda
14th November Parish Council MeetingMeeting Agenda

Meeting Minutes
10th October Parish Council Meeting Meeting Agenda

Signed Minutes
26th SeptemberParish Council MeetingMeeting Agenda

Meeting Minutes Signed
11th July 2022Parish Council MeetingMeeting Agenda

Meeting Minutes Signed
13th June 2022Parish Council MeetingAgenda

Meeting Minutes Signed
30th May 2022Parish Council MeetingAgenda

30th May 2022Annual Meeting of ParishAgenda
11 April 2022Parish Council Meeting Agenda
14th March 2022Parish Council Meeting Agenda
24th February 2022Extraordinary Meeting Agenda

14th February 2022Parish Council MeetingAgenda

10th January 2022Parish Council MeetingAgenda

13th December 2021Parish Council MeetingAgenda

8th November 2021Parish Council Meeting Agenda


11th October 2021Parish Council MeetingAgenda


13th September 2021Parish Council Meeting

10th September 2021HR Committee MeetingClick here
12th July 2021Parish Council Meeting

5th July 2021HR Committee MeetingClick here
29th June 2021Extraordinary parish Council MeetingClick here
21st June 2021

Parish Council Meeting

5th May 2021Parish Council MeetingClick hereClick here to join the meeting
5th May 2021Annual Meeting of CouncilClick hereClick here to join the meeting
26th April 2021HR Committee MeetingClick hereClick here to join the meeting
12th April 2021CANCELLED
Parish Council Meeting
Click here
8th March 2021Parish Council MeetingClick hereClick here to join the meeting
1st March 2021Human Resources (HR) Committee MeetingClick hereClick here to join the meeting
22nd February 2021Extraordinary Meeting of the Parish CouncilClick hereClick here to join the meeting
8th February 2021Parish Council MeetingClick hereClick here to join the meeting
11th January 2021Parish Council MeetingClick hereClick here to join the meeting
14th December 2020Parish Council MeetingClick hereClick here to join the meeting
9th November 2020Parish Council MeetingClick hereClick here to join the meeting
12th October 2020Parish Council MeetingClick hereClick here to join the meeting
6th July 2020Parish Council MeetingClick hereClick here to join the meeting
14th September 2020Parish Council MeetingClick hereClick here to join the meeting
8th June 2020Parish Council MeetingClick hereClick here to join the meeting
18th May 2020Parish Council MeetingClick hereClick here to join the meeting
18th May 2020Annual Meeting of CouncilClick hereClick here to join the Annual Meeting of Council