Emergency Plan

Kents Hill & Monkston Parish Council produced this plan to provide a basis for assisting our community in the event of an emergency. The format of the document is intended to assist members of the Council to quickly evaluate an emergency situation and respond immediately, possibly before the arrival of the emergency services or to support their efforts following their attendance at incidents that might affect this Parish. The range of situations described in this plan includes possible scenarios where the emergency services might not attend, so the plan contains actions that the Council can take to help our community.

Power cuts

For any power cuts use the following contact details:

Landline:  0800 3163105
Mobile:  0333 3232105
Website: www.ukpowernetworks.co.uk

Flooding and Water Management:
Information about Flood and Water issues provided by Parish Forums (June 24 and Sep 24)



Parish Council has funded the installation of two defibrillators located at:
1. Kent Hills Community Centre (4 Frithwood Cres, Kents Hill, Mk7 6HG)
Near the entrance of the Kent Hills Community Centre


2. Monkston Community Centre (St Bartholomews, Monkston, MK10 9FJ)
Near the entrance of the Monkston Community Centre



Report Cuckooing

This is a practice where drug dealers take over a vulnerable person’s property. The poster shows how to identify if someone is a victim of Cuckooing and who you should report it to, using the simple acronym N.E.S.T.

For further information on Cuckooing and County Lines, visit  County lines | Thames Valley Police