Our Staff
The Council is supported by a full-time Chief Officer/Clerk/RFO, a part-time Parish Warden, and a part-time Administration & Finance Assistant.
Jem Hill, is the Parish Warden who looks after environmental projects and services such as the litter and dog bins and the allotments.
Correspondence Address:
Kents Hill & Monkston Parish Council
P.O. Box 6293
Milton Keynes
MK10 1ZG
Contact Information:
Chief Officer/Clerk/RFO – Ryan Fuller
Phone: 07944 337135
Email: clerk@kentshill-monkston-pc.org.uk
Parish Warden – Jem Hill
Phone: 07577 461506
Email: warden@kentshill-monkston-pc.org.uk
Facebook: Kents Hill & Monkston Parish Council